Explore Faith, Encounter Jesus, Engage the World

  • Grow Disciples

    We are called as Christians to make disciples. The tree in our vision statement has the cross of Jesus Christ, a symbol of our salvation being at the center of all growth. In order to grow something, we must offer the proper care, the right nourishment and patience. Growing takes time.  Before something can effectively grow, it must first establish a good root system or foundation from which to grow from. 

    We believe that Growing Disciples requires the same care, patience, and a strong foundation from which to grow. Each individual that comes into our church is offered the opportunity to grow in their faith and be discipled so they may one day become disciples to others. We believe every person is of value and worth the investment of time, instruction and mentoring.

  • Multiply Churches

    We believe that we must support and foster the growth within our own church but also be involved in supporting others in ministry. We are but one church in a global family of churches that share the love of Jesus Christ, but we must remember that God loves to do Big Things in Small Places! The church on our vision statement logo represents not only a place to come and worship, but more importantly, the people who are the real life-force of the church. The water represents the Holy Spirit. Water has a way of filling in all the gaps and finding a way just as the Holy Spirit does when invited to work within people and through the church. Water is essential to life and there is no replacement. Without water, life and growth is impossible. Likewise, there would not be growth within a church without the Holy Spirit.


    Our vision is to see churches multiplied Regionally, through the use of Multi-site Campuses. Nationally, by partnering with other church plants, namely the Greenhouse Church in Salt Lake City, Utah. And Globally, by supporting various long-term missionaries under Multiply.

  • Glorify God

    Ultimately, our goal is to glorify God! With everything we do and with all that we are, we seek to bring glory to Him. God is like the lantern in our vision statement: a bright inextinguishable light that is for everyone and brings hope. If you notice at the center of the light is a heart. His love for us and our love for Him is at the core of all we believe. 

    We seek to be the light bearers in this world and reflect God’s love for others through our church. Our mission to grow disciples, transform communities, and multiply churches all revolve around our central mission to glorify Him.

  • Transform Communities

    We believe the hope of the world is the local church. The church needs to be a positive force for good within the community it serves. Like the graphic portrays, we believe a community should be surrounded by love, and is cradled in God’s hands. 

    We support our community and local school through service projects organized through the church. God calls us to love him first, and then love others as He loves us. Our hope is to show God’s love to others through our interactions within the community. We have open doors on Wednesday nights during the school year and offer a low cost quality meal and a time of fellowship followed by Christian education opportunities for all ages. In cooperation with the local school and Bethesda Mennonite Church, we support the Huskie PowerPacks program which provides backpacks containing a variety of food items to families in need each weekend. We seek to transform our community by sharing God’s love in tangible ways.

Leadership Team

Living Hope Church elects men and women to serve on our Governing Board in the role of Leadership Team.  They provide the overall vision, direction, boundaries, measuring and monitoring.

  • Chad Tessman

    Type content here...

  • Craig Quiring

    Type content here...

  • John Quiring

    Type content here...

  • Jonathan Rempel

    Type content here...

  • Luke haidle

    Type content here...

  • Dot Quiring

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  • Steve Thieszen

    Type content here...

Our Pastor

Luke Haidle has served as our Lead Pastor since Fall of 2013. He graduated from Tabor College with degrees in Chemistry and Bible, and received his Masters Degree from ACTS Seminaries (Associated Canadian Theological Schools) in Langley, BC. Prior to his role as pastor, Luke led the TREK program, under MB Mission. TREK is a 10 month missions program for young adults. He has been to 20+ countries.

By his side, is his wife, Joanne. Luke and Joanne Haidle attended Tabor College together. Joanne served internationally as a teacher in Cote d'Ivoire, and then Taiwan. Luke moved to Canada to work with MB Mission and their TREK program. After 7 years serving in mission, they reconnected and Luke and Joanne Haidle were married in March, 2008.

Luke and Joanne have 3 wonderful children - Kate, Micah, and Levi.

Sunday times

9:30am - Sunday School

The locations for adult Sunday school can be a tricky to find but one of our helpful greeters will gladly help you find whatever you need.

10:30am - Church Service

Service are held every Sunday morning. Dress is casual, and everyone is welcome.


What we believe

We are a member of the Mennonite Brethren Church in the Central District of the United States. Read a detailed description of what this means.

  • The Gospel is the most exciting message in the world.

    When Jesus Christ was crucified for our sins, and rose again, he established a means by which we could be reconciled to God, forgiven of our sins, freed from our sins, brought into community, given a new purpose, and ultimately welcomed into heaven. This good news is for all the world to know and hear!

  • The Bible is true.

    We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, and as such, it has full authority. It is perfect because it was inspired by God, and God is perfect. In it we find the message of the gospel, counsel for good living, comfort, and even words for times when we don’t how to express ourselves.

  • God created the church, and loves the church.

    We believe God loves the people of this world, and his ultimate desire is to see as many people reconciled to Himself as possible. To help fulfill that mission, God created the church. The church is one body of believers, male and female, from every nation, race and class. The head of this body is Christ. The church, united by the one Spirit, makes Christ visible in the world. The church exists as local bodies of believers ans as a worldwide community of faith.

  • There is hope for all of us.

    No matter how far from God a person may feel, God is so lavish in his grace and mercy that any person can be forgiven and welcomed into the body of Christ. We don't need to "clean up our lives" before coming to Christ. We come as we are. He accepts us as we are. And true change in our lives is only attainable after we are in relationship with Christ.

  • In more detail...

    • There is only one true God, Creator of heaven and earth, who eternally exists in three distinct persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
    • The Scriptures are true, authoritative and sufficient
    • All humanity—Christ excluded—is sinful by both birth and action.
    • Our sin breaks relationship with God,
    • The deserved penalty for sin is physical and spiritual death.
    • Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God, was born of a virgin and is both fully God and fully human.
    • Jesus Christ died as the sacrificial substitute to pay the penalty for sin.
    • Jesus Christ physically rose from the dead, ascended into heaven and will one day physically return.
    • Only through faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ and repentance from sin can one be reconciled to God and experience true life and joy
    • Those who turn from sin and to Jesus in faith and repentance will be raised to eternal reward. Those who do not turn from sin and to Jesus will be raised to eternal punishment.
    • Individuals who make a personal confession of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord should be baptized and make a commitment to a local group of believers.
    • The Church is comprised of believers who are called to worship together, love each other deeply, and hold one another accountable for a Christ-like walk of faith.
    • God calls Christians to share the Good News of Jesus with the world.
    • God wants us to be peacemakers and agents of reconciliation in our families, churches, communities, nation, and throughout the world

USMB Central District

As a Mennonite Brethren Church in Nebraska, we are a part of the Central District Conference. We are privilege to serve alongside other churches in the Midwest who are working to make Jesus known in their respective communities. Learn more about the USMB Central District.


The U.S. Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches is the national family to which we belong. 

Learn more at usmb.org!


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