We would love to have you join us on Sunday morning and through the week! Sundays are celebratory, informal, and fun. You are welcome to come early and stay late. At Living Hope Church you'll find good music, relevant preaching, and an inviting community.

Weekend Services

When you arrive, ushers will greet you at the door, provide a bulletin (order of service), and answer any questions you may have. They’re knowledgeable people, ask away! Help yourself to a coffee in fellowship area at the back of the sanctuary.


Our weekend services begin with Musical Worship. On any given Sunday you may experience classic hymns, contemporary worship, and most anything in-between. 


An offering box is located at the rear of the sanctuary.  We do not take offering during worship.  Visitors are not expected to leave an offering - you are our guest, but you may do so if you choose.


Our pastor will then spend 25-40 minutes teaching us the Bible, and explaining how it applies in day-to-day life. We have several Bibles and journals that are available for free. Most services conclude between 11:30 – 11:45.


Our sanctuary is a thing of beauty. It was built by hand--by the church members--in 1926 (finished). It has beautiful wood work, high ceilings, classic padded pews, and tall arching windows. Despite its age and classic feel, it has been updated in a classy way to provide a setting that is still easy to work with. To us, it is a peaceful place where community, worship, and learning collide.


Meet our staff! We work as a team and consider the church our "home". Through all that we do, we seek to care for others and fulfill the vision God has for Living Hope Church.

  • Our Pastor - Luke Haidle

    Luke Haidle has served as our Lead Pastor since Fall of 2013. He graduated from Tabor College with degrees in Chemistry and Bible, and received his Masters Degree from ACTS Seminaries (Associated Canadian Theological Schools) in Langley, BC. Prior to his role as pastor, Luke led the TREK program, under MB Mission. TREK is a 10 month missions program for young adults. He has been to 20+ countries.

  • Ministry Assistant - Joni POwers

    Joni Powers began working as a Ministry Assistant to Pastor Luke in 2017.  She graduated from the University of Nebraska - Lincoln with a degree in Biology. She worked for over 15 years in Agroscience Research & Genetics before changing gears to working in ministry.  The move to ministry has allowed her a flexible schedule to enjoy more time with her husband and two sons, as well as fulfill a rich sense of purpose within the life of the church.

  • Custodian - Jodi Huebert

    Jodi Huebert has been with Living Hope Church since 2019 as church "housekeeper" and custodian.  She lives in rural Henderson with her husband where she enjoys gardening and spending time with her grandkids. She brings a warm, caring presence to our church as she keeps our facility clean and organized. We feel blessed to have her as part of the team!


The heart of children's ministry at our church is to teach kids about who God is and how His word applies to their lives in creative and memorable ways. Through engaging teaching, supportive environments, and close knit small group classes, we guide kids towards a better understanding of what it means to have a real relationship with God. We want kids to know that the Bible is full of interesting stories that matter in their lives today, that fun and games are definitely allowed at church, that worship can be full of loud music and silly dancing, and that there are adults in the church who truly want to love and lead them closer to Jesus. In other words, we want them to know that where God is, life is a lot more fun!


Small Groups & HopeKidz

The locations for adult Small Groups can be a tricky to find but one of our helpful greeters will gladly help you find whatever you need.


Church Service

Service are held every Sunday morning. Dress is casual, and everyone is welcome.

Jesus & the Gospel

Who is this Jesus? Why do I need a savior? How must I respond to Him?

If you're like many people today, you've heard the name of Jesus. You may think of Him as a religious leader or perhaps as a really good man who lived 2,000 years ago. But have you ever wondered if He could possibly make a difference in your life today.

What God Wants

Did you know that God loves you and wants to have an ongoing relationship with you - one in which you both talk to and listen to Him? One in which you allow Him to be a part of your life decisions? He wants you to experience an abundant life [John 10:10], which He knows can be found only in Him. He wants you to be set free - free from your past, from guilt and shame, from bondage to sin, from addiction, from selfishness.

God's Plan

God has a plan to accomplish all of that. That plan is Jesus Christ. Jesus is the spotless, sinless Son of God. He came to earth to "rescue" us from sin. You already know that wrong-doing has a penalty. Well, the penalty for our sin is death - eternal separation from God. But since God loves us so much, He Himself took ownership of that penalty. He sent His Son, Jesus, to earth to pay the penalty for our sins. Jesus was crucified by people who didn't understand who He was or why He had come. Jesus willingly died on the cross in our place, fulfilling God's plan to redeem mankind - even the very people who nailed Him to the cross! Though He was perfect and sinless, He took our sins upon Himself so that we might have a restored relationship with our Creator [1 Peter 2:24].

But the story doesn't end with Jesus' sacrificial death. The Bible says that just three days after He was crucified on a hill outside Jerusalem, God raised Him back to life! Jesus is no longer in the grave - God raised Him from the dead just as He will raise us at the close of history. There is a day coming when time shall come to an end and all people will stand before God in judgment [Revelation 20:11-12].

You Choose

You can either accept Jesus' substitutionary death on your behalf, or reject it. If you reject it, you will stand alone before God on the day of judgment and give an account of your life. You will fall short of God's standards [Romans 3:23] and will have to pay the penalty yourself [Romans 6:23] by spending eternity in hell [Revelation 20:15], forever separated from God. But if you accept Jesus as your personal savior, God will accept His sacrificial death on your behalf. It's not a choice you can make on that final day - it's a choice you must make today - either to accept Jesus or reject Him.

God loves you and wants you to spend eternity in heaven with Him. Make the decision today to accept Jesus as your personal Lord and savior. Here's how simple it is.

  1. Come to Him just as you are (don't wait until you feel "good enough")
  2. Admit your need (I am a sinner)
  3. Be willing to turn from your sins (repent)
  4. Believe in your heart and mind that Jesus is the Son of God, that He died on the cross for you and was raised back to life (accept Him as the only way to God)
  5. Talk to Jesus and invite Him to come into your heart and life and save you from your sins (receive Him as personal savior)

Here's what to pray:

"Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am sinful and in need of Your forgiveness. I repent of my sinful lifestyle and I want to turn from it and follow You. I believe that You died to pay the penalty for my sins and that You rose from the grave. I invite You to come into my heart and become my Lord and Savior. I ask this in Your name. Amen."

A New Creation

If you sincerely meant what you just prayed, you have received the forgiveness of God and been accepted into His family [Ephesians 1:15]! You are a new believer in Christ Jesus. We are so thrilled that you have made this decision, and we want to be part of helping you get to know God better. There are many simple yet extremely important things you need to know now that you are a believer, and we want to email you some free information that will help you. Please take a moment to let us know of your decision so that we can send you this information right away. We will protect your privacy and will not share your email address or other personal information with others, and you will not be placed on a mailing list.


Living Hope Church
(formerly: Henderson Mennonite Brethren Church)
1201 11th St
Henderson, NE 68371

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